Sunday, April 15, 2007

The first one!

The is the first post to my new blog.

I don't know what this will flow like, but I'm going with it.

I write every morning almost, but this is a little more intimidating!

What do I want to do here? I want to speak my heart. I want to speak God's heart.

When I write He flows through me and that is what this site will be about. His voice through me.

I'll share my past, my struggles, my thoughts, my goofiness.

Like last night I was praying my good night prayers - "God bless....and... and angels round about us all." And then I wondered, "what does that look like?" Angels round about us.

Is there angel on the rocker next to me? One on the other chair? Maybe one hanging out on the corner of the bed dangling a foot over the edge, checking his/her nails. Or one standing on guard at the foot of the bed.

One in my closet? In my shoes? Oh no.

Okay that was funny! Got a good visual - had a great laugh.

Not sure what the angels were doing - but one thing I know for sure. They were and are round about me.

A host. I'm so blessed!


Anonymous said...

Yeah Bonnie! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I have comment on the favorite thing is to think of Psalm 34:7 "The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him, and rescues them." Whenever I'm feeling a little scared or alone I picture angels outside of my window sitting around a campfire under the tree outside of my window, watching over me by night. It's very comforting. Keep writing! Carolyn

Denise said...

Welcome to the blogging world, enjoyed this post. Thanks for making me smile.