Friday, March 20, 2009

Hand to Hand

A few days ago, I went back home to a family funeral. My cousin and I were sitting with her mom (who is my mom too!).

As we started to file out, my cousin leaned over to ask if I would take her mom's hand and be on one side of her while my cousin held her on the other side.

So I took her hand and tucked her arm under mine and we walked out of the church.

She doesn't see well at all and needs a walker. She is as sharp as a tack though! And funny.

I have a picture of her hand in my mind though. As I got out of the pew, I turned around and looked for her hand to grab and reached for it.

There she is - not sure of herself - not able to see well.

What is she thinking? "How am I going to walk down this aisle? Do people see me? What do others think and see?"

And this hand reaches out to grab hers and tucks her arm in arm and someone else on the other side, walks with her. She is surrounded, empowered, blessed, comforted. Enabled to do what she needs to do.

I have such a picture of her hand. Waiting, immobile, unsure.

Then - contact. Peace arrives!

God is so like that. He is waiting for the moment. He sees our unsure hands - our hesitation. We can't see what's ahead.

And through a sweet word from a person, or someones touch. Or a direct Word from answer from someone who saw, and followed through on the Holy Spirit.

He reaches out and grasps our hand, our heart, at just the right moment. He sees the indecision and grabs our heart. Leads us to where we need to be.

So sweet. So powerful.

Let us be willing, looking for His guidance to lead us into those paths of righteousness and peace. In our daily life - areas of insecurity.

Draw us there Father!

1 comment:

Donna Mentink said...

I went to your face book page to wish you Happy Birthday, then clicked on your blog---I love this story. Oh, how you captured the thoughts/feelings of your aunt/mom!! As I watched my mom grow old and suffer with Alzheimer's, I often saw her in my mind as the young strong woman I had known. I know she wondered where that woman had gone. I will keep reading your posts tonight---friday nite tv is the pits!! I still have the picture (framed) that you gave me of our baby colt. I think of you often!! Donna Mentink