Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Washers, and Dryers, and Unbelief

I was sitting this morning by the window where I spend my first moments (sometimes hours - those of you with a calling to sit at the feet of the Father will understand!) of the day. I saw a pickup truck filled with old appliances, washers, dryers, etc., drive by.

It made me think of the used washer and dryer that my husband got from his mom this last month, during her move. He said that they are for the building that we will build for our business. I chuckled. No, I laughed in annoyance. Yeah, right. We store them in our garage, for how long, until we finally get rid of them? Because like, there's never going to be a building. Huh.

Okay, next on the bunny trail, is to Genesis 18:1. Where Araham had God appear to him with maybe two angels. Abraham, with Sarah's help, showed them hospitality. He showed them where to freshen up, and then they shared a meal. It wasn't just cheese and crackers, but it was the bomb burrito of a fatted calf. (How do you dress and prepare a fatted calf, a whole cow, and get it done in time for dinner?)

As they were eating, they asked about Sarah, and where she was.

Abraham said that she was in the tent. Meanwhile, God told Abraham that the next time that He came around, Sarah would have a son.

Sarah was actually listening in on the conversation behind the tent door. And she laughed. She laughed, not in faith and excitement and wonder, like Abraham did in Genesis 17:17.

No, Sarah laughed in contempt. Scoffing. Yeah, right, I'll have a son. She was well beyond child bearing years.

Abraham laughed in faith and wonder. Sarah laughed in unbelief.

My husband spoke in faith. I answered in unbelief.

Okay, so now I am making a sign for the washer and dryer that says, "For the new building". In faith. In repentance!


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