Thursday, May 10, 2007

Word in warfare

Okay, I know I said yesterday that I was going to be away from blogging, but I felt this was too good.

I was at Bible Study last night and we prayed for an upcoming service.

That the words would be whatever God wanted. If He wanted a bowling ball to crash into someone's heart, so be it.

But if they needed to be dusted with a feather, bring it on.

This morning as I thought about it and continued to pray, it hit me. God can use the same 'word' and hit someone with a bowling ball and then flit on someone with a feather. Same word. Same time. Different ministry!

Cool, huh! Very efficient, God. Fun!


Mary said...

Hey you mighty woman of God!! I've missed a few posts here. You're doing an awesome job. Let the fire burn!
Love you bunches.

Bonnie Lacy said...

Thanks for the encouragement!

Bless you!